how long should a guy last in bed?


New member
I sometimes don't last very long, and everything I read on the internet gives me very differing results. How long does everyone think a guy "should" last in bed, or be able to?
What is "very long"? I do think if a guy can only last a few minutes in bed and doesn't have control beyond that, it could use some intervention or help in achieving better length of time..if it dissatisfies you or your partner. Don't worry too much about comparing yourself to others, though. I really don't think there's a standard to this. There is loads of info online about being able to last longer, different tips and tricks, so you might try that too.
Sorta agree with horny hedge here, if you're dissatisfied with how long you last, or your partner is, DONT FRET. There are ways to improve it :) Just like there are ways to improve the situation where men can't ejaculate unless they're masturbating on their own...